We are a group of dog professionals and lifelong learners who love dogs. We encourage dog guardians to SLOW down for health, relationship and enjoyment.

Unique and ever evolving…

photo credit Sarah Robinson

photo credit Sarah Robinson

The SLOW DOG MOVEMENT© C.I.C. is the only global movement in the world that encourages dog guardians to explore SLOWING down for the good of their dog and themselves. At the heart of what we do is YOU! It’s our followers and members ‘on the ground’ who share our message and lead by example with their own dogs.

We are greatly inspired by Carl Honoré and part of the SLOW MOVEMENT he started. Carl chronicled the zeitgeist phenomenon of SLOW in his internationally successful book, ‘In Praise of Slow.’

We are a ‘social enterprise,’ (or, in the U.K. a ‘Community Interest Company) which means that we (at this point in our infancy) take 100% of our profits and use them for operating costs and future projects. For any large projects, like our recent short film, we use Crowdfunder.uk.

Our philosophy was inspired by, but not limited to, many of the dog professionals, educators, and authors listed below. During our perpetual evolution, we have learned from our co-directors, colleagues, members, followers, and of course, our dogs. If you are on our list below, thank you for informing our growing ethos!

Carl Honoré, Turid Rugaas, Anne Lill Kvam, Dr Amber Batson, Jonas Thulin, Pennie Clayton, Santos Salcines Nazabal, Winkie Spiers, Karen Webb, Kirsty Grant, Evelina Soeswanto, Nadine Mazzola, Michele Minunno, Dr. Qing Li, Rudolf Steiner, John Holt, Shunryū Suzuki, Bonnie Snowcap (Westie R.I.P 2013), Nash Dobb (Cairn R.I.P. 2018), Ted, Izzy, and Pepi (Laura’s 3 dogs). More dogs names to be added to this list soon!

Our ideas, phraseology, and hashtags are:


